MJ Fans

MJ Fans
Love you MJ

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Michaels New Album vs Sony

Guys i feel hurt, i saw this thing, some MJ fans are not gonna buy Michael's new album because some songs like "Breaking News" are fake, and let me tell you, i'm not defending sony at all...i mean sony sucks! and i hate them for what they did to Michael, but some songs in the album like Hold My Hand, Much too soon, The Way You love me...they are real...so MJ fam is not gonna buy Michaels album because of sony and because some song arent real...what about the ones that are real! we're not gonna have the last piece of Michael because sony is in the way...i'm not buying the album for sony, i'm buying it for Michael! because i wanna keep him alive, hope u think like me too!


your dear friend! Hannah

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010


This speech goes to my beautiful MJ fam and the Beliebers of this world, as you all know i have this twitter account @MJRockmyworld01 and i'm thinking about deleting it because i cant take what i see everyday over twitter, makes me sad and angry and i just wont take it anymore.

I love my MJ fam, i love them so much but please, lets just stop this! A wise man said once: "Be the change you want to see in the world" another wise man said: "Make that change" listen, we say its all for L.O.V.E, we say Michael was all love and that we need to follow his steps we have to preach and spread the LOVE all around the world, but how can we do that if we keep bashing on the Beliebers and Justin Bieber, i mean yeah i know some beliebers are really annoying, saying Justin is the next king of pop, we all know thats never going to happen, Michael is the only King of pop, so just ignore them, ignore those stupid beliebers and move on, dnt blame Justin for their actions.

I know he imitates Michael, and you consider him as a copy, but shouldnt we be glad someone is trying to keep his legacy alive as we do, shouldnt we be glad someone is looking up to Michael and trying to be like him, shouldnt we be glad, a celebrity is part of the MJ fam! wasnt that what Michael wanted?
What i'm trying to say here is just ignore the Beliebers and stop the hate cuz i'm sure thats what Michael wanted, we're unbreakable remember? they cant break us! so MJ fam please be the best person, show the stupid Beliebers we have class, the Beliebers that bash on MJ, not all of them, cuz i know some Beliebers agree with us. Ignore them please, so we can all be happy and live happy with the love MJ wanted.

To The Beliebers: there is NO other king of pop, Michael took that title to heaven the day he died! so leave it! Justin is ok, he sings fine but he's never gonna be like Michael, no one can! cant u see there are so many other singers who try to be like MJ and cant? they say theres no other king of pop: Usher, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Jason Derulo, Akon they all admit Michael was 1, and there will never be another King of pop so stop it! and stop annoying the MJ fam!!! please!!! its just stupid! OK!

i hope u all can see my point, and make that change, keep the love guys, be the best person, and if you wanna be like Michael start by loving ur enemy (except of course MJ haters and the tabloids those can burn in hell) so plz keep the L.O.V.E

OH something else, i'm pretty sure Michael would have love Justin Bieber and you all know it! think about it! Michael wouldnt hate Justin if he was alive so why should we!
with love from the bottom of my heart
ur dear friend
Hannah AKA MJRockmyworld01
xoxo take care

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

29 de Agosto

El dia del Rey del pop fue declarado, empezara a celebrarse a partir del 29 de agosto del 2010, la mis fecha de su nacimiento! cool meng! por fin podremos disfrutar de un dia para el.

King of pop's day was made, it's gonna start on August 29th, his birthday date, cool meng! finally we're gonna enjoy a day for him.

we love u mike!